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Dear reader,

When you think about it, my job as a language facilitator, (which is different to being a teacher), is actually quite cruel. What I do is make people use English. It is totally different from just learning English. And to add insult to injury, I try and make people speak with each other. How can that be? I just want to learn the language.

Why, if you don’t want to use it?

And now, your crackpot of a facilitator makes you use a “thing” called Sam. Really, this is outrageous! But because I am in France, let’s go out and protest, smash a few shop windows, burn a few cars and protest at the injustice that Frank is making me do something rather than learn something. We’ll teach him! Let’s dream of the revolution.


OK, fine by me.

I start with Cléa. My inhumane approach on Saturday was to force her to do a mini-podcast about her first K-pop Concert experience. What was remarkable was that the poor girl was utterly and totally exhausted. She had had a week full of new impressions and was ahead of another week of more impressions. And then, I go and make her do something, in English, especially when she told me at the beginning that she was tired. Which was an understatement.

But what I told Cléa after we recorded the interview is that, even in moments of extremes, she is beginning to be able to communicate effectively in English. Even in her exhaustion, she managed to do the podcast and share her impressions. English is becoming second nature to her. Not completely and not perfectly, but very noticeably. That is progress, and I know that I am one of several people who are supporting Cléa in her journey.

But it is not only Cléa who is a victim of my horrible way of doing things. Walter, Céline and Alexandre too are suffering. Except, when I plan what we do, I can now allow fifteen minutes of small talk at the beginning of the meeting as all three slowly start breaking away from me and talking to each other. That too is progress after a few months.

The next story is really, really shocking. Walter, Manfred, and Martin had to work on something provided by Igor in Brazil. And I just dropped them in the water and told them to get on with it. All they had was some English text, their collective experience and Sam, who, as you know, is Brida’s virtual assistant.

But the problem is that Sam can only do something if you explain and define what it is you need. And Sam is brutal. If you tell him rubbish, he produces rubbish. So, how do I produce something that is not rubbish?

And Frank is on strike. (Because he lives in France and that’s what they seem to do a lot there).

You work as a team and think about it, in your own language, and then ask Sam to produce something that is beneficial.

The result was pretty good, which gives Igor something to think about and even produce something better.

Oh dear, some "guru" might say. Frank, you need to do a course in "customer satisfaction". If you continue, you will lose all your clients. Let me sell you my fantastic course on how to prevent that.

Hmm, but most of you want to meet up with me again next week. So, I must be doing something right.

See you then.

Best regards


On our list of topics at the moment.

Latest Podcasts

You can find the link in the conversations section in Brida.

From Mary & Frank's Kitchen

Some of you who come or, in the past, have come to our home for classes have always been intrigued by the aromas making their way from our kitchen....and have asked what we generally cook. So, here I lift the lid a little.

This week:

Cold Brewed Coffee

Taken from the website below:

YouTube Get Together Thumbnail
Would you like to practise speaking with others in English? As a member of the Brida Community, you can go to the Brida Café and meet me and other community members from other countries. Choose from the meetings below:
Tuesday Get-together.
18h UTC / 19h CET (Duration 60 minutes)
Thursday Morning Get-together.
9h UTC / 10h CET / (Duration 90 minutes)
Hosted by me in France, meet Ismar & Lisa from Brazil, Levent in Turkey, Sebastian in Germany. The level of English is upper-intermediate.
Nathalie in Seoul, Clarisse, Monique and Bernard in France, and Babette in Germany. We span half the globe and there is plenty to talk about.
The level of English is intermediate.
Thursday Afternoon Get-together
13.30h UTC / 14.30h CET
(Duration 90 minutes)
The young at heart group. Maxime and I talk about Engineering for beginners, and anything else, with a focus on being young.
The level of English is upper-intermediate.
The Atlantic Corridor
13.30h UTC / 14.30h CET
(Duration 90 minutes)
Brazil and Europe are connected. What do we have in common? Let's find out.
The level of English is upper-intermediate.

Become a member of the community.

Would you like to practise and improve your English? You can do so by joining the Brida Community. I offer a 30-day free trial and then if you like it, become a member.
With your membership, you can:

1. Have regular meetings with me and other community members to practise and improve your English. Meeting times are flexible to suit your routines.
2. Participate in and contribute to the community conversation.
3. Read our conversations when you want.
4. Collaborate in global projects.
5. Read and contribute to the Brida Journal.

Contact me for more information or :