Hello everybody,

We do hope you are enjoying the weather we are having in Brida at the moment. Today we want to quickly focus on two things you may have at home. Lavender and Angel’s Tears. We know, many of you have them because they have been selling like hot cakes.

You should consider pruning your lavender before it starts budding.

You do want to ensure that your lavender grows compactly and nice and densely in your garden for many years. So, you need to cut it back quite regularly. The best time for you to do his is around February, after the heavy frosts but before the new shoots start appearing. You can shorten the branches by about half, but don’t cut back to the old wood. Lavender becomes quite woody in the lower part of the bush. But if you cut back too far, bare patches will appear on the plants. Use a pair of sharp garden shears to do the job and if you want to trim entire borders under large shrubs, you could also use hedge shears.

Both Tatiana and I guess many of you didn’t have a brilliant 2021, judging by the quantities of Angel’s Tears we sold. They flew off the shelf. But there is a reason for that. They often serve as a carrier of lucky charms and then stay as a popular indoor plant.

Now, Angel’s Tears love nothing more than a good water supply. Keep the soil slightly moist so that it retains its dense, fresh green foliage. Probably the best way is to pour water onto the saucer and let the plant drink it bottom-up. It’s because the leaves are quite sensitive to moisture. If you do forget to water it, then you might be able to rescue it by dipping it in a bowl of water.

The plant originated from the Mediterranean islands of Sardinia, Corsica and the Balearic Islands. The climate is quite mild and so it grows on walls, rocks or under trees. If you visit the islands, you’ll probably see that the leafy cushions are covered with fine white, star-shaped flowers. The one’s we sell prefer a cool windowsill and don’t like to be in the direct sunlight. And, unfortunately, they rarely flower indoors.

But they are pretty to look at and, you never know, might just have that good luck hidden within their leaves.

See you in two weeks. Happy Gardening

Suzanne & Tatiana.

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