Even More Cheese.

In the final part of our series with Emilie on Cheese, we have further questions from Olivier, Steven and Niki. Olivier, retired, living in Serris. What kind of cheese do English people prefer?  Traditionally, British people love cheddar, and it is in the country the best seller but through the year, people became more and […]

More Cheese

Julia from Mannheim asked Emilie in England some probing questions. How do I recognize what a quality cheese looks like? Smell, colour?  That’s a difficult question as each cheese has its own taste profile so you will look for different smell, flavour, appearance and texture characteristics for each cheese. But for all cheeses, you want […]


Questions to Emilie from Monique & Bernard, Seebach, France In November 2020, (Brida Journal 48/20) Emilie, originally from Normandy, spoke about her new life in England. We agreed to continue to explore the world of cheese and so, several of you asked questions. Since then, the Pandemic has struck harder, the United Kingdom left the […]

A new home in England

Emilie provides an interesting insight on her own particular happiness by moving from France to England. Fifteen years ago, Emilie moved from her native Normandy and joined her partner in England. Frédéric had already been living and working there for some time. It was a huge step for her, not speaking the language, a different […]

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