Not having a car or a television or even a radio and living in a mansard in the centre of Rennes in the 1960s, at a time when playing fields were not the priority of elected officials, weekends and holidays were often synonymous with boredom … that’s probably why I liked school so much.

Apart from the traditional Sunday walks in the countryside, after having taken the bus to the exit of Rennes and walked seven kilometres, what other possibilities were there to combat this boredom?

I remember a neighbourhood activity that livened up our Sundays: the “radio-crochets”! Mr and Mrs Everyman went up on a stage set up in the open air, provided they knew how to sing a little, without frills, without special effects, with just a microphone in their hand. I don’t know if there was anything to gain apart from the ephemeral fame in the neighbourhood.

I know they sang mostly popular songs, but there were also songs with lyrics, like Edith Piaf and Yves Montand…

I would like to know if there was this kind of popular demonstration in Alsace?

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