Our Brida, this week (2)

This week was about synergies. We start with Maxime. Last week, I wrote that he discusses engineering topics with Manfred and Martin in Kassel. They exchange messages in a private group, Brida Engineers. Of course, they do this in English. This is a win-win situation. This week, we took the practising in English process a […]
Avotra Alsace, what a great adventure!

Nathalie describes a good cause. Created in March 2021, the Avotra Alsace association supports the Avotra orphanage in Madagascar: around 200 abandoned children, orphans, street children, are taken care of and helped in the areas of food, medicine, health, and education. The President of Avotra Alsace, my friend Doris Jacky, stayed there in 2016 giving […]
No People, No English.

Welcome to Our Brida. On Friday, Julia (who lives in Mannheim) asked if giving a present is more satisfying than receiving a present. The day before, Olivier (who works in Hatten, in the Alsace) said that he likes fishing but doesn’t eat fish. Whereupon Julia replied, she can understand that. It is about relaxing, but […]
From Hunspach to Seoul

My name is Cléa and I am 15 years young. I was born in Haguenau. I live in Hunspach, a tiny typical village in the Alsace, France. It is in the top north-eastern corner of France, not far from the French-German border. It has many half-timbered houses, painted in black & white. It is a […]
The Queen’s Christmas Message, 2021

Although it’s a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. This year, especially, I understand why. But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn great comfort from the warmth and affection of the many […]